From heavy-earth moving and site excavation to canal-dredging, levee repair and reinforcement, MasTec's professionals get the job done right.

MasTec's pipeline expertise allows us to deliver water from the source to the consumer with the highest levels of reliability, safety and efficiency.

From clearing raw land, to mass excavation, utility installation, road building, asphalt paving, final site grading, landscaping, signage and striping. MasTec’s specialists can assist in all of your needs from start to finish.

MasTec's highly skilled team of professionals tackle the most complex road and bridge construction projects in America. From engineering to excavation, and installation of drainage facilities to finished asphalt, street signage, and lighting.

From remote rural locations to busy downtown streets, we have built 69kV to 500kV transmission lines that span thousands of miles throughout the United States, including lines with the highest voltage anywhere in the world. We build high voltage overhead and underground transmission lines in even the most challenging terrains and circumstances.

Cost-effective solar facilities construction from the ground up, helping our clients meet growing needs for clean, sustainable power and ongoing energy conservation.

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